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The General Assembly

Tasks and Goals

This general assembly is a body comprised of candidates accepted for doctoral studies at the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of Philosophy of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Elected representatives form a board to represent the interests of the doctoral candidates within and outside the university. They develop statements on issues affecting doctoral candidates and make recommendations on their behalf. Additional objectives of the general assembly are to connect doctoral candidates and provide advice on matters relating to obtaining a doctoral degree.


Once you are accepted as a doctoral candidate, you have the opportunity to participate in discussions at the meetings of the general assembly and to take part in decisions that directly affect you as a doctoral candidate.


Of course, you can also contact your elected representatives at any time with questions or suggestions:


Historical development and legal framework

Accepted doctoral candidates were once represented as part of the University of Freiburg’s student body through student committee members (for example, in the senate) and in the Student Council. As the Student Council is responsible for the interests and concerns of the entire student body and doctoral candidates form only a small part of it, since mid-2011 there have been efforts to more strongly network the doctoral students and to stand up for their interests at the university (policy) level. An initiative called “ProDocs” set up regular meetings from which the discussed topics were then communicated with the appropriate offices within the university.


Within the amendments to the Higher Education Act of Baden-Württemberg (Landeshochschulgesetzes des Landes Baden-Württemberg) in the spring of 2014, a doctoral representation at both faculty and university levels was designated and legally anchored in the doctoral regulations framework (Rahmenpromotionsordnung) at the University of Freiburg. The framework outlines on the one hand the formation of doctoral general assemblies for each faculty and on the other hand, enables the creation of an inter-faculty assembly called the Joint Working Committee of the Doctoral Candidates (Der Gemeinsame Arbeitsausschuss der Doktorandinnen und Doktorandenkonvente - GAA).


At the invitation of the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of Philosophy, all doctoral candidates from these two faculties met on September 23rd, 2015. By adopting the procedural rules on that day, the general assembly was officially formed. A board of seven representative members was elected.


Since then, the board of representatives has been active. The representatives, who are voted in periodically, contributed to discussions concerning the new doctoral regulations on behalf of all the doctoral candidates of both faculties. They also have networked as stakeholders at both the faculty and university levels. Doctoral candidates are now also represented as a status group in the faculty councils, the joint commission (GeKo), the doctoral commission (Promotionsausschuss), and the senate. Furthermore, the board sends representative members to the Joint Working Committee of the Doctoral Candidates, which was founded on March 17th, 2016.


A lot has happened since the initial board started its work. Thanks to the founding members’ experience in terms of university policy, the board is now broadly networked and has already had some successes. Nevertheless, the board and the meetings of the general assembly depend on continued engagement from doctoral candidates.


If you are interested in serving on the board, please feel free to contact us. We also serve as a first contact for questions concerning doctoral studies more generally and, if necessary, can put you in touch with other contacts.